Sunday, 5 November 2017

Roses and Thorns

It's been almost half of Semester 1 in UTeM. Quick update of the things that has been going on throughout these few weeks.

Classes as usual. Wang Zhe Rong Yao a routine. Teasing my classmates a daily thing. 

Went for a AIDS event held by the Uni at Arkid Lestari on one Saturday. I did not plan to go but I asked my friend Jun Xian(MPP, so have to go) , if there is a free stuff or free food just let me know then I might just consider going down. (my hostel is just beside ) . On the morning of the event, he inform me that there were free T, food and beg so yup, I went down, in my shorts! I went and register to get the SMP, got a free T and a red AIDS bad, plus food for breakfast and lunch. Certificates as well. SO yeah, it was worth it.

Then , I went for my University 10th Mooncake Festival at Pay Teck school that night It was nice. Sadly, did not get the chance to watch my classmates dance as their performance were set during the carnival (like 5.30pm) , literally no one was there to watch them . They told me they trained so hard but there was no crowd. The main events starts at 7pm. So thats a bullet. Wanted to watch another guy play the violin too but again , he performed in the evening as well. 

Overall design and performance wise was actually ok, 24 drum, drama, sand art ! but then again, the main problem, why did a University's event not held in the University itself? But they rented a chinese primary school and held the event there? Don't get it.. Politics maybe? 
One of my classmates xiiao ee was dressed so prettily as she is one of the ursherette, so that was good. Entry ticket was RM15. They gave a RM5 coupon to be spent on the carnival itself. Another classmate Kah Loh was in the Activity and planning department.

Sister came to Malacca this week and we got to spent some siblings time again. yeah! Went to Aeon Bandaraya Malacca on Thursday and coincidentally Brands and Padini outlet were both having sales, mad crowd and so many were lining up to pay, wanted to grab some cheap sleeveless T but with the crowd , I think I will just come back back and purchase them during normal days. We went to Uncle Jang for dinner.

Having two more papers this week. SO gonna try to score some marks.

Till then, cheers.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

2nd year in UTeM starts

Alright guys! So my second year as a Degree student in UTeM had just started 5 days ago. And so far if it has not been hard, I do not really know what hard means anymore. Let me rant for a bit ok .

First day registration, got my keys and then went to my room. The fan was actually working but then as my new roomate ( Yes, no more Ming Yao already, the uni seperated our hostel based on our respective faculties ) and me wanted to clean the room, so I closed the fan and the shit happens! The fan cannot work after that!.

Went down and complain and was told that the technician will only be able to come and  repair it the next day. To cut the story short, the technician did not came until Friday! My roomate and me then became "Orang Tumpangan " for the 4 days, we actually slept in the hot room on the first day cause well...we believe the uni is efficient enough and will be coming to solve the fan issue the next day, guess we learn the hard way ehh??

You know the feeling when everything falls in place, you get a new place to stay, big room, large cupboard, clean toilets , tiles floor! I am thankful for everything! The best will surely be the 6 minutes walking to class and I no longer need to depend only with the buses. Below are some pictures of the house I am currently staying.

Big living room! 

A total of 7 rooms, 2 person each room, that makes 14 people staying in a house, however, we only have 2 bathroom and 2 toilets. But so far so good. I did not clash with anyone when I want to use either the bathroom or toilet. yeah!

We have place to dry our shirts and pants and underware and all that! Gamdong!!!!! But I will still prefer to dry at the place where I can get a direct sunlight.

Surely enough room for 3 people. But 2 is GOOD!

Wifi is not really strong in my room, but the lan cable is working juts fine. Thank God! Well, after than fan issue, I decided to drive to MMU for my dinner, cause I am so happy that the fan is finally working and I deserve good food yesterday! But, after coming back, I actually left my key in the car, shits happen again! Learnt some tricks to unlock the car door from outside by using strings, and it works so yeah!

First week class as usual, nothing much to do. Its pretty a relax week and I like it. And yes, my class 5 person gang , its no longer only 5 of us, we added another guy , he was supposed to be our senior but he did surgery last year so end up delaying one year, so he will be joining us and perhaps graduae together with us if everything goes on smoothly!

And the above picture is the view from my room. The sound from the wind blowing onto the leaves, so soothing!

And finally, all 14 of us in the house is from the same Manufacturing Engineering course. So yeah!
And my roomate name is Yik Yang.

Till then, 

Monday, 14 August 2017

Nasi Lemak Pancake at Pancake House


So Pancake House Malaysia came out with their newest menu which was the Pancake Nasi Lemak!

After all the craziness from the Nasi Lemak Burger.. Which originate from Singapore,  and then Burgerlab decided to do another version of their Nasi Lemak Burger here in Malaysia,  that cause a little bit of drama from both Malaysians and Singaporeans.

But, hey, Pancake Nasi Lemak.  Its fresh,  new and I am sure everyone wants to get a piece of it.

So,  I got free vouchers as part of their promotion to promote this menu and decided to visit their Pancake House outlet at IOI City Mall,  Putrajaya on Monday for lunch.  I prefer to go on a weekday as there will be less people,  which means less waiting time,  less trouble,  less crowd,  more peace and quite and yup!

I went there and saw their menu,  which obviously they are promoting the Nasi Lemak Pancake.

 My voucher allowed me to redeem the Nasi Lemak Pancake Set Meal which cost RM27.90 . It comes with a cendol cooler as well.

Cendol was served within 10 minutes.

Not your average Cendol where you get them served in a round bowl.  This Cendol Cooler (a la carte priced at RM12.90 ) is served in a tall cup.  Tasted just like your average Cendol,  the only problem I have is the spoon they provided is too short and you cannot really stir the beans and Cendol Jelly thing below the cup  without dirtying your hands.  

Nasi Lemak Pancake 😁😁

 Alright,  taste wise,  its Good!  You totally get that its a Nasi Lemak..... Pancake. They have the egg,  the ikan bilis,  the nuts , the sambal,  the cucumber slices and 2 prices of chicken. Ok, they only showed one piece of chicken in the brocher,  but I got 2 pieces.  Bonus!  

Here is a picture of the pancake being sliced open! 

It really does taste good.  The fried chicken itself was not bad,  quite juicy and the skin crispy.  I really enjoy the whole dish but it gets a little bit too much towards the end . This dish is quite similar to your typical roadside Nasi Lemak,  because they just replaced the Rice with their signature Pancake and for me,  the changed is not that big so the taste,  smell and the originality of the Nasi Lemak is well maintained,  with a modern twist of Pancake in it.  

Overall,  great food. I enjoyed it. 

In an effort to promote this dish even more,  if you share the picture of your dish on instagram or facebook , and then show to the staff,  you can get one scoop of ice cream free.  

I am super full with the Cendol and Nasi Lemak Pancake so I pass this. 

Service was great. Wifi not working though😰 .  Food was nice and I enjoyed it.

Till then,

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

COOLBLOG - Banana Choc

Coolblog . Coolblog . Yes!

Their Logo

Have you heard of Coolblog? Coolblog is one of Malaysia leading and growing beverage concept take-away kiosk and they specialize in tea taste beverage and ice blended products.

Their Missions
- To provide customer the finest quality of dessert and beverages in the most efficient  time.
To derive satisfaction of "Thanks", "Smile" and "Gratitude" from every Coolblog customer.

Their Five Philisophy
Our Commitment: Branding is all the EFFORT! 
Our Pursuit: The best is yet to come! 
Our Effort: Think as a Consumer! 
Our Belief: Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE! 
Our Cognitive: Previous conduct might not APPROPRIATE!

Coolblog- It stands for " Blog of Cool Refreshment ".  Coolblog was first launched in Singapore in 2005 and have been growing internationally and Coolblog objective is to marry the taste of natural fruits into an ice blended thirst-quencher.
From what I have read online, there are a total of NOT 100, NOT 200 , but 300 plus Coolblog kisok all around Malaysia. And at my area itself , I have 3 places I can go for my cravings of good drinks/dessert time.

In 2015, they were Awarded  the EY Women Entrepreneur Of The Year 2015 Malaysia and In 2016, they were awarded Best Special Booth Design from FIM (Franchise International Malaysia) in May 2016.

I checked on Facebook and guess what , they got a 4.1/5 star review from their customers. Which makes them a pretty trustworthy place to visit if you need to have a drink.

4.1/5 Not too Bad! 

So, How do you make your order at Coolblog ?
Firstly, choose your Base from the following choices : 
  1. Black Pearl
  2. Ice Blended
  3. Juice Blog
  4. Milk Shake
  5. Oreo Blog
  6. Smoothies
  7. Tea Blog
  8. Yoghurt    

Secondly, choose your preferred Cool Flavours : 
  1. Honeydew                         
  2. Green Apple
  3. Peppermint
  4. Kiwi
  5. Passion Fruit
  6. Banana
  7. Lemon
  8. Lychee
  9. Mango
  10. Orange
  11. Peach
  12. Vanilla
  13. Blue Coral
  14. Strawberry 
  15. Sourplum 
  16. Redbean
  17. Watermelon
  18. Pink Guava
  19. Yam
  20. Blue Berry
  21. Grape
And Finally, Add Toppings if you want it.  (RM0.80 )
  1. Apple Jelly
  2. Black Pearl
  3. Blue Coral 
  4. Coffee Jelly
  5. Cranberry Jelly
  6. Lychee Jelly
  7. Mango Jely
  8. Rainbow Jelly
The above are the normal drinks and dessert that they have in the menu. Now come the big suprise that get me all excited like a small kid again!

So, that day I was scrolling on my Facebook and then I suddenly saw this post !

The Facebook Post
How can you not be excited??!!! I am so excited to try them out , previously I have tried some of their drinks before (more to Lychee and Watermelon kind of variants as I enjoy them the most) and for the longest time I was hoping for them to come out with some new refreshing menu as their usual menu is getting  a little bit boring to tell the truth.

                                   They came out with the New Oreo Smoothies Series! 



And as I am a Oreo /Chocolate / Mint person, I just have to try their Minty Choc at only RM6.50 !

But sadly,  when I reach my favourite Coolblog kiosk,  I saw that the Minty Mint is OUT OF STOCK!!   WHY today??

Cool Blog at Metro Point Kajang

The New Flavour Promo Banner,  but Minty Choc
no stock already.  😭😭

I was really sad and ask weather I can get them tomorrow but the staff over there told me that the management did not sent the require ingredients and asked me to try to get it at Plaza Metro Kajang.  😭

So I end up picking and ordered the Banana Choc,  I am not really a Banana-kind of person,  but decided to give it a try since they do not have mint. 

Suprisingly,  it tasted better than I can imagine .  If you see from the picture,  you cannot really see the yellow strips of banana as what was shown on the poster.  But the banana taste was definately in it.  It is not strong which really suits me. Thank God! Towards the end of my drink I still can get a little bit of banana feel . 

The banana and the chocolate definately is a good combination. I can feel small tiny chunks of round biscuit chocolate-kind of thing which makes it totally delicious in my mouth. The overall drink is just nice, not too sweat , just suit my taste buds. This menu is of the classics with a few modern additions to it. 

To top it up,  my drink was fresh and is the perfect thrist-quencher for a hot day! This relieve my body tiredness and is very satisfying. 

I think you can ask the team in store to help make recommendations on your preferences and it surely will be an even greater experience for you.

If you ever come to any CoolBlog kiosk, do not forget to try their Local Desserts too. I personally have not tried any , the last time I wanted to try but the staff said that one of the ingredient is out of stock so did not manage to give it a go. 

They also have an Oreo Blog, dedicated to all Oreo LOVERS ou there. 

Do not be worry, if you do not like all sweet, chocolate and that, instead want to enjoy some fresh and nicely done coffee or even some gentle Tea to cool down your day, worry not as CoolBlog have them cover for you. Coffee , Tea or Both ?
You make your choice! 

Mind you, as you can see the price is SO SO SO SO much cheaper than other places like Tealive or Starbucks, so why not give it a try and you might just enjoy the same great taste by paying way less!

They also cater not only for cold drinks, but hot drinks too. And this is where Hot Blog came in mind. In Hot Blog, the beverages are hot and you can enjoy it best as it warms you up even more.

They also have two more blogs which are the Happy Blog and Fruitti Chocolate to even add more variety to satisfy their customer choice.

Some positive review from my side :
1. I always got my orders without delay and need not wait long
2. The price is reasonable if compare to other places
3. Easily available and location is just nice for me
4. The price is shown and transparent

Some negative review :
1. No place to sit 
2. No wifi 
3. Could not try their new Choc Mint after going to 3 kiosk :(

Do have a look at their official Website for even complete menu and what's is more to Coolblog than meet the eyes. 

And of course you have to follow their Facebook page to get the latest updates and promotion items that you should not miss. Give them a like and support them. 
Click here : Coolblog Official Fan Page

Follow their instagram too at @coolblog_fans

If you have any enquires or want to know more about how to collaborate with them in any way , just visit their Headquaters (one is KL and one in Johor ) or give them a call or email .

Johor Bahru
31 Jalan Firma 2/1,
Kawasan Perindustrian Tebrau 1,
81100 Tebrau, Johor.
Tel: +607-3555001 / +607-3558006
Fax: +607-3538001

Kuala Lumpur
No.33, Jln TPP 5/17,
Taman Perindustrian Puchong,
Seksyen 5, 47160 Puchong. Selangor.

Tel: +603 8068 5601
Fax: +603 8062 5601

Hotline: 1700-81-9066 (Press 1 JB HQ)

This blog is no way sponsored by anyone or from Coolblog. It is an entry for a contest organize by them, and I really want to win it. Even if I do not win, I enjoy blogging about this and would gladly and be humble if they wants to invite me to any future Blogging reviews on their new products (actually nak free drink jer ) 😎😎

Got a lot of source and information from Cool Blog website. 

And their contest details:

Till then, 

Updated 12th August 2017
Went to Metro Plaza Kajang to try but sadly, another dissapointment . 

Cool Blog at Metro Plaza Kajang



Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Sabah Trip With Uni Mates

Yes,  been there,  done that,  no regrets. 
To be given the chance and opportunity to travel to Sabah with my friends,  I am always thankful for that.

My friends and I,  total 6 of us,  me,  Jia Huei,  Tat, Kee, Yong Cheng and Sabahan Ivan went for a Sabah adventure from 8th July - 14th July 2017.  All credits to Ivan for planning and organizing most of the things,  with me helping a little bit here and there.

Actually it was me that wanted to go to Sabah,  to explore this wonderful place at least once if I have the chance ,  and what could be better than going there when I have a Sabahan friend .  Initially,  I only planned this with Ivan.  If you know me well,  I'm not that kind of person that travels in group,  I tend to enjoy single-moments and definately did not plan to get another 4 on board and the thought of planning and preparing everything that have to suit so many people and to achieve everyone's desire is quite daunting. But,  somehow news spread out and somehow slip from my mouth,  so we end up going there - 6 of us.  And that could not had been better.  6 is a great number,  and sometimes its the number 6 that makes everything go on so smoothly.

Thank God for good friends and considerate pals for taking care of each other,  accomodating each other and for every other instances that occur along the trip.  I don't really remember much but I have made a video so if anyone,  ANYONE that is reading and would be interested to know what I did in Sabah.  Click on the link under this blog. 

One of the worse thing that happened in Sabah is during the trip to Kudat,  on our way to the Tip of Borneo.  I got a stomachache and could not hold it any longer that I have to go to a stranger house and borrow their toilet!!  Bucket list achieved??!!!  That must be one of those moments I will look back and hopefully still able to smirk about.

To experience the sunset at Tip of Borneo,  it wasn't the most beautiful sunset but it was magnificent enough.  To hear the breeze and water lapping,  to hear the clamps  making weird noise and get all excited for every baby crab that I saw,  I would not have trade it for anything. To experience all this with my buddies,  it makes every moment even more precious.
First time Star-gazing  and it was tons of fun. 

Kundasang,  the place where we stayed,  we got the view of Kota Kinabalu Mountain directly from our room window.  The chilly air,  the freezing cold water,  the morning barbeque moments, drinking alcoholics  liquid  moments,   the visit to the Kundasang Dairy Farm under drizzling  rain while trying not to get suffocate by the smell of cow dunk, it was those tiny moments I think will be printed into my long term memory.

Mahua waterfall, where the water freezes your body and your legs get hurt from the stones under your feet. If I ever visit here again,  I think I will not go into the water again,  maybe just letting the water lap my feet will do.  Neverless,  it was a great time getting the whole tiny waterfall all by ourself. 

I think when you travel,  your eyes catched beautiful things even more quickily,  and your fingers pressing the camera even more vividly,  I am learning and trying even harder to capture those images into my eyes rather than into my camera. 

Here is the link to the video,  its a little bit long :  Sabah Trip with Uni Mates
so enjoy. 

Till then,

Monday, 12 June 2017

5 small things to be thankful in UTeM Semester 2 2016/2017

So guys, its finally the end of another semester for me at UTeM , Malacca. Technically, I have one last paper this Friday so feeling kinda relax already. Final exams for year 1 has never been so stressful , but getting tips here and there definately giving us student much needed light to see the end of the tunnel.

1. My Gang ( Classmates)

I am always always always eternally grateful for my classmates. Not much going on, we are as close as ever and everything has been fun so far. No drama, no back-stabbing and all those. Recently, we just celebrate Kah Loh's birthday at V-Love Steamboat. I am thankful for God for sending this kind of people to tag along with me throughout my Degree years.

They are for keepers.

2. Roomate aka My Good Roomate

Seriously, for having such a good roomate throughout my year 1 would be another thing I am grateful for. We kinda accomodate each other, does not have any weird habits and get along well. so yeah, I do not have much pictures of him cause he is always half naked so I din take a lot of pictures of him.

FTMK God programmer and also annoying to bits!!

3. MPP Non-Muslim Representative/ FKP Senior

I saw online many other local Universities complain about how their MPP that should be the voice of the non-muslim in the campus barely does anything, but I am happy that mine is different. This year, the MPP that represent us non-muslim really did a good job (not that previous did not do their) , and his name is CHEN CHIT SING. Small things like taking care of the welfare of the non-muslim, but ensuring that we have places to go and canteen that operates during the Puasa Month, I am just thankful for him for taking the role that I think  no one would have wanted to take up.

4. Finding a new place to jog in the Uni

So, I found a new place to jog, barely anyone that goes there. Hidden path just beside the Al-Jazari Hostel, the place where rock-climbing sessions can be done. Went there and jog for a few times always, it was good! Some peace and quite all to myself.

5. For everyone else that has been there for me

Special thanks for all my lecturer for the constant guidance and all the ever annoying tutorials and projects. To my best buddy and also #utemphotographynanshen Lai Jia Huei for being that guy friend and gay friend I can talk too. Plus my Sabah trip gang Ivan, Orange Soon, Kee ,Tat (will be going to sabah mid July, so excited!!) .
For friends and people that I encounter in my life, I thank God for every single one of them!

Been listening to Ballerina | Blood, Sweat and Tears - Magical Thinker Feat. Dezi Paige (with lyrics)

Too many more great moments ahead. 

Till then,

Quarantine SHN Life at Park Avenue Changi Hotel Singapore

Yellow! It's been ages since I have written anything new. I have too much time on hand for now and so I though I might as well document ...